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Call For Papers
The annual 2021 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering (ICMAEE 2021) will be held on the beautiful city Hualien of Taiwan. This conference is sponsored by National Dong Hwa University and the International Society of Mechatronic Engineering (ISME). The ICMAEE 2021 technical program will feature the presentation of contributed papers focusing on technological advances and applications of mechatronic, automobile, and environmental engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers, and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. For the most up to date information, please visit
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1.Automobile Engineering
•Active and passive safety technology
•Advanced vehicle concepts
•Advanced xEV
•Autonomous and connected vehicles
•Engine system
•Manufacturing and materials
•Noise vibration and harshness
•Transmissions and hybrids
•Vehicle dynamics and controls
•Vehicle electronics and software
2.Environmental Engineering
•Air pollution management
•Bio energy
•Solid waste management
•Energy storage
•Environmental impact assessment and mitigation
•Environmental protection agency
•Geothermal energy
•Solar energy
•Water supply and treatment
•Wastewater treatment
•Wind power
•Material science
3.Mechatronic Engineering
•Automation and robotics
•Computer-aided design and manufacturing
•Electromechanical systems
•Flexible / intelligent manufacturing systems
•Medical mechatronics
•Mechatronic heat transfer
•Microelectromechanical systems
•Mobile apps
•Sensing and control systems
•Sensors and actuators
•Smart materials and systems