2021 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering

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►Registration For ICMAEE 2021 Will Be Open Until September 30, 2021. 


►Authors Shall Be Able To Upload The Final Paper Afterthe Registration Fees
   Have Been Paid In Full And Confirmed.


Registration Dates:


•Registration Open: Feb 10, 2021

•Submission Deadline Final Extend : August 31 
, 2021 

•Early Bird DeadlineSeptember 15, 2021

•Article Upload DeadlineSeptmber 20, 2021 

•Regular Registration Deadline: Septmber 30, 2021 


•Conference DateOctober 22-24 , 2021 



►Registration Website:

   Click Here for Registration





                         ♦ Conference Fees ♦ 



►Payment Method:


 Credit card Online.

  Please note that your credit card statement will be showing
  “Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 
  (ACLCLP)” instead of ISME since the cash flow comes from ACLCLP.


►Money Transfer through Taiwan Post Office:

     Account Number: 50372092       Account Name: 社團法人台灣機電工程學會
    Please Fill in The: 1.Chinese Name/2.Telephone/3.Reristration ID Number
    in The Post Office Transfer Fom.

   2.Only Accept NTD$ Remittance and No Handlig Fee for this Payment.

Please Download or QR Code Taiwan Post Form.

      Click Here For Download The Taiwan Post Office Form

    Post office Form




   The Invoice Will be Issued and Sent to Your Registered E-mail Account. Please Print it Out By Yourself If Printed Invoice is Desired.


►Cancellation Policy:

 1. All Attendees Are Eligible For a Registration Refund
     If The Refund is Requested Prior to Septmber 10, 2021,With a Processing Fee of  NT$900 

 2. Request Made Later Than Septmber 20, 2021 Will Not be Accepted.